Case Study Examples
​Premium Brands
Premium Brands acquired 100% of Harlan Fairbanks Co. Ltd in early 2005 in exchange for Premium Brands shares. Prior to this, Harlan was a portfolio company of Pender West Capital Partners, a family investment firm affiliated with Founders Group of Food Companies. Harlan is a leading distributor of concessionary food products and related equipment in Western Canada.
Subsequently, Pender West has become Premium Brands’ largest shareholder and has supported the company in numerous acquisitions of packaged food and food distribution businesses.
Today, Premium Brands owns a broad range of leading specialty food manufacturing and differentiated food distribution businesses with operations throughout Canada and the Western United States. The company services over 26,000 customers and its family of brands include Grimm’s, Freybe, Harvest, McSweeney’s, Bread Garden Express, Hygaard, Hempler’s, Quality Fast Foods, Harlan Fairbanks, Creekside Bakehouse, Centennial Foodservice, B&C Foods, Shahir, Duso’s Fine Foods, Maximum Seafood, SK Food Group, OvenPride, Hub City Fisheries, Audrey’s, Deli Chef, Hamish & Enzo and Piller’s.
For more information on Premium Brands, please click here.